Editor’s Note: End note
The list. It’s my method for everything, and for compiling the one for this column, the criteria is: What’s on my mind? And is any of that also on the community’s mind? In the notebook […]
The list. It’s my method for everything, and for compiling the one for this column, the criteria is: What’s on my mind? And is any of that also on the community’s mind? In the notebook […]
One year ago, I became the editor-in-chief of this newspaper. It feels like forever, and it feels like I just started. As I sat at my desk thinking about what to write to mark the […]
This column is part of the CN&R’s Oct. 6 Election Issue. For more stories on the 2022 general election click here. In preparation for this Election Issue, CN&R Contributing Editor Evan Tuchinsky and I sat […]
As one of the editors who has been privvy to the spreadsheets of Best of Chico tabulations for many years, I can tell you there is a lot of love from the community for a […]
I am finally back at the editor’s laptop after a planned three-week break that turned to into four weeks thanks to finally running out of luck in dodging COVID-19. On the eve of our flight […]
CN&R Contributing Editor Evan Tuchinsky fills in for Editor Jason Cassidy, who is on vacation. “It’s like deja vu all over again.” This gem from Yogi Berra keeps popping to mind lately, and not just […]
One recent morning, I was on my usual bleary-eyed shuffle through Lower Bidwell Park for the dog’s first constitutional of the day. I nursed my coffee, the good girl did her business, and we looped […]
In contemporary American politics, the division between winners and losers is extreme. Winner takes all. No compromise. Our government representatives are often solely concerned about the needs and ideals of their supporters, at the expense […]
This column is part of the Chico News & Review’s 2022 Arts & Music special issue. This July, I will celebrate my 19th year working for the Chico News & Review. Before transitioning to interim […]
The fence Chico City Plaza has been surrounded in chain link since October. The city’s explanation is that it went up to allow for needed repairs followed by the installation and then operation of the […]
When I get started on my workday, before I walk across the hall into the spare bedroom and turn on the computer, I put on real clothes. Even though it’s just me and the dog […]
For this first issue of the Chico News & Review for 2022, I had hopes of sharing good news of a holiday boon and a return to normal for our county and this newspaper, but […]
In the Chico neighborhood where my wife, dog, cat and I live, maybe a five-minute walk away from our house, lives the leader of one of the local Facebook “public safety” groups. She is a […]
Hey, I’m the Editor now! How did that happen? Let’s review: With apologies to the heroic Chico State professors who initially helped rewire this Redding hick’s brain, the most important schoolin’ in my 52 years […]
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