General Butte County/Nor Cal wildfire links:
Wildfire incident updates w/maps:
Cal Fire: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection current fire info.
Inciweb: An interagency information system for most non-Cal Fire wildfires in the state.
Butte County wildfire and evacuation updates:
Butte County Sheriff
Code RED: Enrollment for community alerts for Butte County.
Butte County Sheriff Facebook page
Butte County Sheriff Twitter
Cal Fire/Butte County Facebook
Cal Fire Butte Unit/Butte County Fire Twitter
Butte Wx Spotter Facebook page: A very active, informative and popular Facebook account run by local Skywarn Spotters that covers local weather and fires.
Satellite wildfire maps:
Firemappers: National Alliance for Public Safety GIS’s wildfire early notification map.
FIRMS: NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System.
Worldview: Satellite imagery using NASA’s Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS).
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Satellite animations of weather and smoke over Pacific Northwest.
California Fire Weather: National Weather Service’s interagency effort to provide fire-weather forecasts/watches and red-flag warnings.
National Weather Service: Sacramento forecast office’s weather updates for Northern California.
Earth.nullschool.net: Computer projections of weather patterns (wind, ocean currents, etc.)
Wildfire cameras:
ALERT Wildfire: Live feeds from fire cameras across the western states.
Wildfire analysis:
The Lookout: Home site of plainspoken expert wildfire analysis by Chico pyrogeographer Zeke Lunder, who also has a Twitter/X page.
Air quality:
Wildland and Fire Smoke: Current smoke outlook map.
AirNow: Centralized interagency system with maps featuring hourly air quality index (AQI) updates.
Purple Air: Crowdsourced real-time AQI readings from private sensors.
Fire and Smoke Map: EPA and USFS map of both AirNow and Purple Air AQI readings.
Relief services:
Butte-Glenn 211: Phone line and website with community-resource database that links to health and human services for residents of Butte and Glenn counties.
Wildlife Relief and Recovery Fund: A fund managed by North Valley Community Foundation to provide emergency relief and support to North State communities affected by wildfires.
● Assemble a go-bag: Build a Kit
● General preparedness: Ready for Wildfire