Streetalk: Are you worried about wildfire?

The Horseshoe Lake area of Bidwell Park looked otherworldly on the afternoon of Sept. 13, 2020, thanks to smoke from northern California wildfires. (Photo by Chris Ficken)

Asked in downtown Chico

Michael Campi
personal trainer
As part of a much larger picture, I am very concerned. As we’re witnessing right now, there’s New Mexico, there’s Texas, even Nebraska is on fire, and the chances of us getting out of the way are slim-to-none. I’m concerned enough to have a contingency plan in place because I got evacuated from a wildfire in Santa Cruz. I’m now in Chico.

Valerie Saldana
student (just graduated)
I remember my freshman year, I think, is when the fires happened. That was definitely daunting. I think it is a problem that needs to be [addressed].

Dan Anderson
rice farmer
I’m certainly concerned. The last couple of years, there’s been a lot of smoke. It’s pretty nasty. Definitely concerned about that. Hopefully we don’t have another smoky summer.

Nancy Leek
retired librarian
Everybody always ought to be concerned about wildfire. It’s a problem every year. You get to wondering, “What’s left to burn?” Everybody ought to be careful.

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