Arts & Culture

Thank you!

This newspaper is in your hands because of you. You gave money in a shutdown economy during a global pandemic … to a broke newspaper! You gave money to Arts DEVO, literally. I still have […]


Force and funding

It didn’t happen in 2013, when Chico police officers fired 19 shots at the car driven by Breanne Sharpe, killing the 19-year-old and sending bullets into a bus stop, a parked car and a residential […]


High anxiety

When coronavirus took hold in California over late winter and early spring, Adam Aaronson had a better sense than many Chicoans for how the pandemic would reshape lives. Aaronson, a marriage and family therapist in […]

Community Essays

Back at the newsstands

By Ronald Angle A warm welcome back to the CN&R’s faithful print readers. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Free speech, exercised both individually and through a free press, is a necessity in any country where the […]


Crisis schooling

Like many parents, Dan La Bar felt the impact of the coronavirus emergency profoundly in March when stay-at-home orders from Gov. Gavin Newsom changed how schools teach and students learn. La Bar works as an […]