Streetalk: How’s shelter-in-place been for you?

Asked in downtown Chico.

Rod Winkle
construction manager
Construction is essential, so I’ve been working and then going home kind of like a normal day. I worked from home off and on for about a month, but there are certain things I just can’t do out of the office. Other than that, I’m an old guy, so my social life is going out to dinner and having a couple beers and some tacos—couldn’t do that for a while but now we kind of can.

Manuel Lopes
Nothing really changed for me for work, but music-wise, yeah—there’s been more time to write. My band [Sunny Acres] has been looking for a new bass player, and shows are on screens now.

Morgan Barrett
working mother
It was a lot—suddenly homeschooling three kids—but we had fun. I’m ready to be out and about again and so are my kids. It’s summertime.

Josh Allen
electrical contractor
My work got busier, if anything. We work on schools, so all the schools closed early and all of the projects we usually do over the summer started early. It’s been unreal-busy for us. My wife’s going crazy, though, with the kids.

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