Arts & Culture

Fish tacos, anyone?

Henri’s unmet New Year’s resolutions lead to unexpected bliss in Chico By Henri Bourride Henri had every intention of honoring his New Year’s resolutions this year, despite never having done so in the past. Of […]


Revisiting the Farm

Henri discovers the Chico State Farm Meats Lab does more than sell sausages It all started with a short text. Apparently, Henri had a package at the UPS distribution center that they were unable to […]

Arts & Culture

Many Happy Returns

By Henri Bouride Sacre bleu! Dix ans? Can it really be ten years since Henri left Chico for the Big Pomme. Alas. Miss Marilyn has left us for that perfect poodle-friendly bistro in the sky, […]

Arts & Culture

Family style

Unless a patron with the name happens to stop by, you won’t find anyone named Maria at Tres Maria’s. But, when the doors are open, you will be warmly greeted by co-owner Sonia Montes, who […]


Burger surprise

There is an interesting phenomena known as “multiple discovery,” which describes how different peoples—though separated by oceans, continents and thousands of miles—tend to stumble upon the same, groundbreaking advancements independently of one another: things like […]

Arts & Culture

Over the moon

The hamsa—an open hand with an eye on the palm—is regarded as a powerful symbol in many Middle Eastern cultures, representing good fortune and positive energy. It’s also known for its protective qualities, and is […]