Arts & Culture

DIY together

Chico suffered many cultural losses during the pandemic, and among the most mourned in activist and artistic circles was the closure of Blackbird. Though ostensibly an anarchist bookstore that served coffee, the little yellow Victorian […]

Arts & Culture

‘Inside out’

This feature is a part of the Chico News & Review’s Bring Back the Arts campaign, a weekly interview series featuring the leaders of Butte County arts and music venues discussing their efforts to recover […]

Arts & Culture

See. Read. Act.

One of the most daunting aspects of spreading information is getting people to actually notice and pay attention to, perhaps act upon, the image or combination of words. The current online exhibition at the Janet […]

Arts & Culture

Where are you?

As we get close the end of this trying year, how would you answer these questions? “Have you changed physically? Mentally? Is your mind going in another direction?” For its current juried exhibition, Selfie 2020, […]

Arts & Culture

Art duet

The title of the latest exhibit at Chico’s 1078 Gallery, We Live Here Now, reflects the recent history of artists Jacob Troester and Mattie Hinkley. After carrying on a two-year long-distance romantic relationship—she in Virginia, […]

Arts & Culture

Art of lockdown

Lately, Michael Bone has felt lucky, sort of. Like so many of us, the well-known local musician is sheltering in place and working from home—teaching music and art, now online only, to his students from […]

Arts & Culture

Setting the stage

As California moves further into stage 3 of the Resilience Roadmap for reopening businesses closed in response to the coronavirus pandemic, workplaces in the arts and entertainment sector are now being included in the conversation. […]

Arts & Culture

Walk the talk

“Creativity is a survival strategy.” That line is part of a quote by art critic Jerry Saltz that opens the most recent Art Talk newsletter put out by longtime local arts activist, teacher and painter […]