Editor’s note: One year, one theme
One year ago, I became the editor-in-chief of this newspaper. It feels like forever, and it feels like I just started. As I sat at my desk thinking about what to write to mark the […]
One year ago, I became the editor-in-chief of this newspaper. It feels like forever, and it feels like I just started. As I sat at my desk thinking about what to write to mark the […]
Turn me loose Dolphin shorts, checkerboard muscle shirt, Walkman loaded with Loverboy cassette. Arts DEVO was ready for his paper route, delivering copies of the Redding Record Searchlight by bike as rock-’n’-roll worlds bloomed in […]
Dead for a Dollar is the new western (now streaming on Amazon and Apple TV) from veteran action director Walter Hill (Hard Times, The Driver, Streets of Fire, Southern Comfort, as well as noteworthy westerns […]
Asked in downtown Chico. Hilda Gasparstudent The people I’ve met here [in Chico]. I came here to go to school, met amazing people here through a job, mentors, friends. It’s impacted my life in a […]
Slash and burn The truth is government on both sides has mishandled our forests and water forever, and for 10 years, [Congressman Doug] LaMalfa is the lead terminator of both. For 30 years, they have […]
A week before Election Day, amid a battle over the balance of power in local (and national) government, the Chico City Council meeting Tuesday night (Nov. 1) attracted sparse attendance. Only a dozen citizens came […]
One of infamous/legendary filmmaker Ed Wood’s many contributions to the horror-camp canon is the screenplay for 1965’s Orgy of the Dead. In the movie, a couple of squares crash their car near a graveyard, and […]
Alongside global temperatures and sea levels, climate anxiety is on the rise, too, and according to author and researcher Britt Wray, the latter is “a natural and normal response to a dangerous situation.” When climate […]
Excuse my absence for a month while I become a full-blown journalism cliché. In November, inspired by the annual National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo), I’m embarking on a sizable writing project. The goal: write […]
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