‘Momma! I’m through’
This was going to be one of those quarantine-fatigue columns where Arts DEVO whines about life in times of pandemic and how all I can muster this week is a slideshow of images and words […]
This was going to be one of those quarantine-fatigue columns where Arts DEVO whines about life in times of pandemic and how all I can muster this week is a slideshow of images and words […]
Arts DEVO has been tempted. The “10 albums that impacted my life” or “10 albums that influenced my taste in music” challenges making the rounds on social media are just the sort of navel-gazing escapism […]
Arts DEVO is a slave to the internet right now. I’m just trying to stay connected to people as I shelter in place, but with that comes being connected to all the anti-science, anti-mask, anti-human-decency […]
Did you know the “Last of the Vaudeville Cowboys” lives right here in Butte County? How ’bout the banjo player/historian known as the Banjo-Ologist? Or one of the founding members of 1960s/70s weirdo-rock crew Charleston […]
It has been eight years since longtime Chico singer/songwriter Fera (aka Mike Strishak) has put out a proper album of new material. This month, as a gift to sheltering-in-place music fans hungry for tunes, he […]
“Lincoln Center at Home.” Ugh, no thanks. I mean, unless you’re a Saudi prince or a member of the royal family, going to your living room to enjoy the opera or symphony is like hanging […]
Read aloud the poem below, yelling the word “Corndog!” every time it appears: CORNDOG!Corndog!amber brownCorndog!perfect coreCorndog!what are we eating?Corndog!what are we rooting for?Corndog!got a bad taste in your mouth?Corndog!you know what will get it outCorndog!down […]
“Socially distant” is not how Arts DEVO rolls. When I greet Chico, I go in for the hug. I am, of course, following the COVID-19 stay-at-home guidelines by removing myself from the public sphere and […]
Virtual greetings, Quaranchico. The Chico News & Review is back (Arts DEVO, too!). Well, sort of. The newspaper racks are empty. Print publication is still suspended indefinitely as we wait out the coronavirus pandemic, so […]
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