To live is to fly, low and high, so shake the dust off of your wings and the sleep out of your eyes—Townes Van Zandt, “To Live is to Fly”
It has, as they say, been real, my friends. From age 33 to age 55, I’ve written, edited and worn many other hats at the Chico News & Review, but the time has come for me to move on to something else. It’s actually been coming for several weeks, as I’ve drastically dialed back my duties since turning in my notice in mid-July, and have mostly worked on transitioning and training in anticipation of my last day, today, Aug. 30.
So, what am I going to do now? Most folks who know me know that this newspaperin’ businesses isn’t the only work I’ve done these past couple of decades. I’ve also spent a lot of time promoting/programming/producing/playing music, and after I replenish my depleted reserves, I’m going to focus most of my energies on that stuff—that and wheelbarrowing heavy things around and digging holes in people’s yards with my friends in that line of work.
And what about the CN&R? The paper will continue online, with staff across the News & Review company—from both Chico and Sacramento—working together with community contributors to develop chico.newsreview.com as a source for local stories. (If you’re a writer with a story idea, the N&R is looking for freelancers. Send your pitch and links to your previous writing to pitches@newsreview.com.)
I’ve said good bye and thanked everyone so often during these years-of-many-changes since the COVID pandemic first slammed the CN&R (along with the rest of print media), that I don’t have the heart to go through it again. I’ll just say, in general, thank you to the community of Chico for your support—your contributions and your loyal readership—and thank you to all my co-workers and the lifelong friends I’ve made at the News & Review. I’ll let this one, this other one and the first one stand as my heartfelt notes to the people who have shaped more than 20 years of my life and the paper that, for 47 years, has shaped this community
Take care out there. Be kind. Have all the fun. Help others when you can.
Yours forever,
Jason Cassidy
CN&R Editor
Well I may be gone, but it won’t be long / I’ll be a-bringin’ back the melody and rhythm that I find …
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