Asked in downtown Chico

Dylan Tellesen
Maybe not. I mean, I read books, but as far as media—not in print. Most of the media I get is online.

Will Brady
Gosh, it’s terrible. Fact of the matter is, I’m more likely to only if it’s free. [The CNR] is some of the last stuff I did consume in that regard. The crossword going onto the New York Times [online] platform was probably, in my case, the worst thing that ever happened because now I just have it on my [smart phone].

Jessica Meek
Yeah. Sometimes I’ll pick up a magazine or a paper. I do lots of collaging, too.

Adil Syed
graduate student
Probably the only time would be at coffee shops, and when I’m waiting for coffee and there’s a stand of CNR’s there.
This is very sad. you will be missed.