Jake Benno
social media intern
I’d say, get out to some swimming holes like Bear Hole, Salmon Hole. That’s where I have the most fun.

Julia Travers
journalism student
I like floating down the Sacramento River. And there’s a lot of little live bands. Chico State students put on shows, and I like going to those with friends. A lot of times they’re just at people’s houses. People post about them on social media.

Justice McKenzie
social media intern/student
Definitely get outside to some of the parks. One-Mile is a fun spot to kick it a little bit. Get out and walk. You get to see a lot of the city.

Mai Veng
If it’s summer, there are lots of [swimming spots] where you can cool off, and there’s lots of areas where you can go biking. [And] Coin-Op, I like it; it’s an arcade right there.
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