Local government this week
BUTTE COUNTY SUPERVISORS: Meetings are normally held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Visit site for posted agenda as well as current meeting calendar. Tue, 2/14, 9am. Butte County Board of Supervisors Chamber, 25 County Center Drive, Oroville. https://www.buttecounty.net/clerkoftheboard/boardmeetings
CHICO CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Regular agenda items for tonight’s meeting include discussion of implementation of diagonal parking spots in downtown Chico and a presentation by city staff reviewing city boards and commissions and their recruitment. Council agendas, minutes and video archives are available at the city website. Tue, 2/7, 6pm. City Council Chambers, 421 Main St. https://chico.ca.us/agendas-minutes
CLIMATE ACTION COMMISSION: Commission normally meets second Thursdays. Agendas are posted to the web the previous Friday. Thu, 2/9, 6pm. City Council Chambers, 421 Main St. https://chico.ca.us/climate-action-commission
OROVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Regular business for tonight’s meeting includes discussion of the Oroville Rescue Mission lease agreement; an employment agreement for City Administrator Brian Ring. Tue, 2/7, 4:30pm. Oroville City Council Chambers, 1735 Montgomery St. cityoforoville.org
PARADISE TOWN COUNCIL: The town council normally meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Check site for agenda. Tue, 2/14, 6pm. Paradise Town Hall, 5555 Skyway. townofparadise.com
Take action
FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTION: The SCCAC holds free food distributions every second and fourth Saturday. Sat, 2/11 & 2/25, 2pm. South Chico Community Assistance Center, 1805 Park Ave. southchicocac.org
SAFE SPACE VOLUNTEERS: The shelter is operating through Feb. 25 and volunteers are always needed. Visit the site to sign up. safespacechico.org
SEED TO SHADE: To improve Chico’s urban forest, Butte Environmental Council has ambitious tree-planting programs in place through the spring. If you’d like to volunteer or would like a tree, visit the site to register. becnet.org/urbanforest
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