Wondering what shows, plays, concerts and other events are happening around Butte County? Chico News & Review has you covered with a few highlighted picks for the week. Get out and have some fun!
Visit the CN&R’s online calendar for more details on these and many other local listings.

Be smart
An stacked show of wild music featuring Vancouver indie rock band Dumb, the Shutups from Oakland, and locals XDS and Sunny Acres.
Thursday, August 4, 8pm. Tickets: $10
Gnarly Deli
243 West 2nd St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 433-4415

The Jack Moves
Outpatient Records presents the New Jersey throwback R&B duo The Jack Moves along with Anaheim live hip-hop band Weapons of Mass Creation.
Thursday, August 4, 8pm. Tickets: $15-$20
Argus Bar + Patio
212 W 2nd St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 570-2672

Cohasset Bazaar & Music Festival
Live music, parade, rummage sale, vendors, wood raffle, prizes, BBQ and natural foods, bake sale, photo booth, beer and wine, and horseshoes. 100 percent of the profit goes to the Cohasset Community Association center.
Saturday, August 6 , 9am-7pm. Tickets: $10
Cohasset Community Association
11 Maple Creek Ranch Road, Cohasset, 95973
(530) 332-9550

KZFR Birthday Bash
Celebrate 32 years of local broadcasting with a silent auction, a healing tent, and live music by The Sun Followers and DJ Amburgers.
Saturday, August 6, 2pm. Tickets: Free
Chico Women’s Club
592 E 3rd St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 894-1978
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