The city of Chico is developing an environmental justice element of the general plan, for which the Planning Department is gathering community input.
Under provisions of California Senate Bill 1000, the Planning for Healthy Communities Act, Chico must integrate environmental justice into the general plan when it updates the housing and safety elements—a process currently underway. The new element will address seven topics: pollution exposure and air quality; food access; public facilities; safe and sanitary homes; physical activity; “civil” or community engagement; and improvements and programs that address the needs of disadvantaged communities.
City planners will hold the next public forums June 8, 6 p.m., at Chapman Park and June 23, 6 p.m., at Rotary Centennial Park. The city also has an online survey at chico.ca.us/pod/participate-online for residents to share experiences. Visit chico.ca.us/environmental-justice for more information.
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