Asked in downtown Chico: Will you continue to wear a mask in public after state drops the requirement on June 15?

Andrew Lemanek
Dialysis tech
Even though I’m vaccinated, I will—indoors more so than outdoors. It’s not for me, but if it makes anyone else around me feel better, that’s what I’m going to continue wearing it for.

Amber Larson
Career advisor
Probably yes. I just know that only 50 percent of California is vaccinated, and even though I’m vaccinated I just don’t trust people, basically.

Amir Rezaii
I.T. security engineer
Yes, absolutely. [For] protection of myself and my family—I have people [near me] with immune deficiencies. There’s not any reason to take a chance on it.

Social justice worker
Absolutely. I’ve already thought about it. My friends have thought about it. We’re wearing our masks. I’m vaccinated; I was [among] the first in line. Yeah, I’m wearing my mask.
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