Events around the county honoring the two-year anniversary of the Camp Fire:
Joy Will Find a Way
Nov. 8, 6 p.m.
A drive-in showing of a documentary of the 2019 music and arts program filmed at the Paradise Performing Arts Center for the one-year anniversary of the Camp Fire. Free tickets here.
Meriam Park Drive-In Theater, 1930 Market Place
Magalia Community Church events (Nov. 8):
• 10 a.m.: Memorial church service (in the chapel and via Facebook Live)
• All day: Drive by the Butte Strong Memorial during daylight hours.
• 5:30 p.m.: Outdoor candlelight service at Butte Strong Memorial with live music by Wes & Donna.
Magalia Community Church, 13700 Old Skyway, Magalia, 877-7963
The Hope of Daffodils Art Show
Paradise Art Center presents an art show inside Nic’s restaurant featuring works by its members depicting daffodils, one of the first perennials to bloom at the end of winter—symbolizing hope and rebirth. On Nov. 8, Nic’s will be open 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Nic’s, 6256 Skyway
Ridge Wellness Project
Nov. 8, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Jess Mercer—creator of the “Key Phoenix” sculpture that was dedicated on the one-year Camp Fire anniversary—brings the “Wellness Well” to this year’s day of memorials. For the drive-thru event, bring a letter or a drawing to the well that’s been installed at Paradise Community Park (on Black Olive Drive) and drop it in. All materials will be compiled to make a book for the Ridge community.
Paradise Revival Festival
Nov. 7, 9 a.m.-noon; Nov. 8, 2-5 p.m.
A two-day online gathering put on by Regenerating Paradise for those in fire and disaster-affected communities interested in collaborating on the town’s future. Online workshops, live music and a film screening.
Oak and Native Tree Giveaway
Nov. 7 & 8, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Camp Fire survivors sign-up online for a blue or black oak, redbud, elderberry, dogwood, amelanchier or hollyleaf cherry sapling and pick up at 511 Pearson Road, Paradise.
Find more events at the Paradise Chamber of Commerce site: paradisechamber.com/events/calendar.
Is there an anniversary memorial event for the camp fire for 2023?
Sunny, we’ve yet to receive any word on this, but I’d imagine that the five year mark will be acknowledged in some way. We’ll keep our eyes open.