Second & Flume: Risky business
I let my guard down. Early last month, my family and I took a nice, long coastal vacation. Ten days, two beach towns. One in Northern California and the other about two-thirds of the way […]
I let my guard down. Early last month, my family and I took a nice, long coastal vacation. Ten days, two beach towns. One in Northern California and the other about two-thirds of the way […]
Walking into a store, eatery or nightspot around Butte County, a casual observer might assume the pandemic has passed. Quite the contrary: Absences of face coverings and plexiglass barriers belie a new spike in COVID-19 […]
Preparing to speak about the latest manifestation of the COVID-19 pandemic locally, Dr. Marcia Nelson offered a quick apology. She explained she might look off-camera during the Zoom call to check statistics on another screen. […]
Sometimes lost in the conversation about COVID-19 infections and ICU capacities is the impact the pandemic has had on our collective mental health. For this special Health Issue, the CN&R reports on the help that […]
For this first issue of the Chico News & Review for 2022, I had hopes of sharing good news of a holiday boon and a return to normal for our county and this newspaper, but […]
After weeks of declining COVID-19 infections, Butte County’s numbers spiked dramatically during the last week of 2021. Between Dec. 26 and Jan. 1, there were 701 new cases, the highest total since the summer surge […]
Where do we even start on this one? Aaron Rodgers—hometown hero, future Pro Football Hall of Famer, generous Camp Fire benefactor—what in the world were you thinking? News last week that the former Butte College […]
by Barbara Feder Ostrov & Ana B. Ibarra for CalMatters CalMatters is an independent public journalism venture covering California state politics and government. For more info, visit calmatters.org. Propelled by the delta variant and large numbers […]
When a dear friend was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I asked her what she needed from me, offering soup, a walk, any small comfort I could provide. “Poetry,” she requested, “bring me poems.” Similarly, the […]
Believe us when we say we’re as sick of the coronavirus as anyone. The isolation, financial strain and other effects of the global pandemic have greatly impacted our personal lives and business model. Like others, […]
Bring back the arts, and the directors, and the punks, and the notebook with the handwritten open-mic poem, and the sound people, and the guest curator, and the guy who sweeps up the broken glass […]
One of the most contagious strains of COVID-19 has reached Butte County. According to an announcement Monday (March 8) from Butte County Public Health, an adult diagnosed with coronavirus has the B117 variant, which was […]
Over the 12 months that Californians have navigated coronavirus waves, few tacks have brought more backsplash than restrictions on in-person learning. Parents and politicians, notably Republican leaders in the North State, have rallied around fully […]
As both a hospital administrator and family medicine physician in Chico, Dr. Marcia Nelson has had a bird’s-eye view of the COVID-19 pandemic. Enloe Medical Center, where she’s vice president for medical affairs, has treated […]
Almost exactly one year ago, Butte County Public Health began addressing COVID-19 as the pandemic it became. The department opened its operations center, as for disasters such as the Camp Fire, and continues to run […]
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