Arts & Culture

Cheesecake queen

More than 10 years ago, Dawn McGaffick stumbled upon her mom’s old Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese Cookbook. The Chico native decided to give the classic pumpkin cheesecake recipe a shot, and by fateful accident she […]

Arts & Culture

Thank you!

This newspaper is in your hands because of you. You gave money in a shutdown economy during a global pandemic … to a broke newspaper! You gave money to Arts DEVO, literally. I still have […]

Arts & Culture

Trial by wood fire

Mulberry Station Brewing Co. Roland Allen and Alan Gross had just two days to celebrate clearing the final hurdles to opening their new brewery/pizzeria. “We passed all our inspections literally 48 hours before the coronavirus […]

Arts & Culture


Sometimes, there are not two sides. “Black lives matter.” That’s it. To argue something else is either wrong or switching from the subject at hand—which is that systematic racism has made black people matter less […]

Arts & Culture

Setting the stage

As California moves further into stage 3 of the Resilience Roadmap for reopening businesses closed in response to the coronavirus pandemic, workplaces in the arts and entertainment sector are now being included in the conversation. […]

Arts & Culture

‘Carny prozac’

Sometimes when Arts DEVO sits down at the keyboard, this column just writes itself, especially when I copy and paste the words from somewhere else: Silver Dollar Fair Food Drive-thru Menu: Corn Dog……………………………..$5Giant Corn dog………………….. […]

Arts & Culture

Flip the script

When the Blue Room Theatre opened Stuff ’n’ Things on March 12, California had just announced the cancellation of sporting events, part of the first wave of the state-mandated shutdown in response to the coronavirus. […]

Arts & Culture

Good to-go

Are they open? That’s been the twenty-dollar question for Butte County residents as they stare into the refrigerator wondering whether or not their favorite grill or taqueria can save them from another night of leftovers. […]

Arts & Culture


Like so many cultural resources in Butte County, the Gateway Science Museum remains closed indefinitely in response to the coronavirus pandemic. But before they turned out all the lights, the staff populated the website with […]


Save me, art scene!

Arts DEVO is a slave to the internet right now. I’m just trying to stay connected to people as I shelter in place, but with that comes being connected to all the anti-science, anti-mask, anti-human-decency […]