Reader endorsements
With inflation at a 40-year high, with 22.4 percent of Chicoans living in poverty and in a state among the highest in expenses in the country, the City Council wants you to pass their Measure H sales tax increase. With no sunset, this tax increase is permanent.
Worse, there is no guarantee how the money will be spent. In 2019, when the council contemplated an increase, it was said it would cost a family of four $800 a year, low now considering inflation. What family wants to pay over $800 a year in extra tax with no guarantee where that money goes?
Money for vital programs has been siphoned off for skyrocketing, unsustainable employee costs, especially unfunded pension liabilities. Even with record revenue including gas tax money and the city’s garbage tax that is supposed to go toward street repairs, the city’s infrastructure has never been worse, especially the streets. This is so city bureaucrats and other city employees can have multi-million-dollar pensions.
Instead of reforming these costs, the City Council intends to maintain this unconscionable status quo on the backs of poor people. Don’t let them. Vote no on H.
Dave Howell
Want better roads? Better parks? Better public safety? Better housing solutions? A vote for Measure H is a vote for a better Chico.
Rapid population growth, the Camp Fire, COVID-19 and increased community needs have stretched our finances. Maintaining roads, preserving Bidwell Park, keeping neighborhoods safe and creating durable housing solutions takes resources the city simply does not have.
Chico is only one of eight California cities over 50,000 residents without a local sales tax. Of those eight cities, Chico’s general fund budget is the lowest per capita.
The sales tax will add $1 to every $100 spent (groceries, rent and prescription medications aren’t taxed) and will generate $24 million a year to invest in our community.
Measure H spending decisions will be made locally. We’ll be able to will make improvements to Chico that not only will enhance our daily lives but also create jobs. Chico would be able to support local social service agencies and provide housing assistance.
Measure H has support from across the political spectrum. Seven former Chico mayors endorse Measure H, as do seven of the eight council candidates.
Ann Schwab
We strongly encourage you to vote for Eileen Robinson for the Chico Unified School District board. Her experience and expertise has served our community for over four decades, first as a member of the PTA, then as a full-time employee. She represented district classified employees as a representative both locally and statewide.
With years now on the district board, she has sat on both sides of the negotiation table. Her children and grandchildren have attended school in the district. She is intimately familiar with the history, budgets and personnel development and enhancement opportunities of CUSD and has a real 21st century vision and sensitivity to the needs and contributions of educators, service personnel, students and families of our unique diverse community.
Chico is fortunate to have had her on the board and luckier still to have her again place her name on your ballot. Please do our community the favor of voting for Eileen Robinson for Chico Unified School District board.
Richard Roth
Spring Toms
Dear City Council District 3 voters.
We have a wonderful choice this election to be represented by an experienced, level-headed, ethical, local educator by voting for Monica McDaniel. She has been voluntarily serving for 13 years on the Chico Arts Commission and understands budgets, respects the law, supports city firefighters, genuinely cares for our safety and wants to bring civility back into the Council Chambers. She has been successful in bringing polarized factions together and wants to move our community forward with solutions.
Let’s stop the finger pointing, the hate speech, and move toward the community we will all be proud to live in.
Lynn Haskell
I want to vote for the right people. I believe, for now, I will “VERO”—“vote every Republican out”—to prevent our schools becoming theocratic with books banned, history being whitewashed and shaming of kids that may be gay.
I do not want a theocracy or live in a country that interferes with a woman’s bodily autonomy and privacy. We can teach manners, respect for others, citizenship and history appropriate to age, but religion should be practiced in the home, not forced on others. I think people who run for office must reveal their party affiliation so we are not fooled.
Rhonda Lawrence
Protect our elders
I would like to raise awareness of a current, rapidly expanding issue: the way we treat elders in our society. In my life, I have had the opportunity to volunteer and work with older adults in various settings. I would like to remind everyone that elder abuse is a real issue, and it happens way too often. People are sneaky, so it is good to check in with our elders and be aware of the signs.
Watch for individuals taking financial advantage of others, even family members. If someone is a recipient of care, look for signs of neglect and mistreatment. Mistreatment doesn’t have to be physical, it can also be mental.
As a society, we should be taking care of our elders and looking out for them. To report abuse in Butte County, you can call Adult Protective Services at (800) 664-9774.
Bianca Acheson
Iron out the town-gown
I am currently a senior in the Social Work program at Chico State, and I have been resident of the city of Chico for the past four years. During my time in Chico, I have noticed a divide between locals and university affiliates such as students and faculty.
Relations seem to be strained due to an abundance of issues such as competing for affordable housing, jobs and safety concerns. This tension has manifested in manners such as negative comments towards students, lack of support for the university, and rising agitation and fear felt by both parties over crime centered in heavily student-populated areas.
Town-gown relations and their challenges are not anything new in college towns. The difference with Chico, however, is size. The area is less populated than many other university-hosting cities; therefore, locals and university affiliates are coinhabiting the area to a greater extent. Consequently, we must adapt to each other and build a relationship that is equally beneficial.
Sariah Pilant
In 20 years, it is prophesied that the Great Almond will speak and humanity will come together and we will all be nuts.
Wolfgang Straub
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