This feature is part of the CN&R’s Oct. 6 Election Issue. For more stories on the 2022 general election click here.
Ballots for the 2022 General Election are mailed out Oct. 10-Nov. 1 for those already registered to vote. If you don’t receive—or lose or destroy—your vote-by-mail ballot, apply for a replacement at the Butte County Elections Office. Call (530) 552-3400 for info. To check the status of your ballot (when it was mailed, received and counted), visit california.ballottrax.net/voter.
Below is a refresher on the different ways local voters can turn in their ballots. Returned vote-by-mail ballot envelope must be completed, signed and sealed by the voter. The signature on the return envelope will be compared to the signature on the voter registration record.
Three ways to vote
Mail it back:
● No postage necessary.
● Ballot must be postmarked by Election Day—Tuesday, Nov. 8—and received by the Elections Office by Nov. 15.
Deposit in a secure drop box:
● Drop boxes open Oct. 10-Nov. 8.
● Ballot must be turned in before 8 p.m. on Nov. 8.
● Refer to your Voter Information Guide for a list of drop box locations and hours (most are available 24 hours a day).
Hand deliver to a voting assistance center (VAC):
● VACs open Oct. 29-Nov. 8.
● Ballot must be turned in before 8 p.m. on Nov. 8.
● Refer to your Voter Information Guide for a list of VAC locations and hours of operation.
Wait, am I registered?
● Check your registration status at voterstatus.sos.ca.gov.
● Deadline to register by mail or online (at registertovote.ca.gov) is Oct. 24.
● Miss the deadline? There’s still a way: Conditional Voter Registration is available, and you can fill out a provisional ballot at the Butte County Clerk-Recorder Elections Division office (155 Nelson Ave. Oroville; buttevotes.net) or at a VAC between Oct. 25 and Nov. 8.
I would add, for the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund…please, check out https://votersedge.org/ca Voter’s Edge a free website offered to all on-ballot candidates each election to post information about themselves as well as campaign finance information on the State and Congressional races.