Asked in downtown Chico.

Danielle Hawkins
We always do Christmas cookies at my mom’s house, which is really sweet. I have two kids and my sister has two kids, and so we’ve been doing it since they were little—at their house in Paradise, which burned down. Now they’re living in Chico, but we all still gather and do this even though the kids are all older. It’s still a fun tradition.

Chris Friske
marketing/graphic design
My grandpa’s birthday is on Christmas Eve, so we celebrate that, so that’s kind of like the special thing. He always wants soup for dinner, and that’s about it.

Joseph Forrest
electronic technician
We’re full-blooded Native Americans, so celebrating the holidays is a little different to us, just because of the genocide and everything. [For Christmas] we like to do seafood—the crab legs, the shrimp.

Tom Wigton
basketball equipment manager
Mom’s leg of lamb. My grandmother made it, and she passed the recipe on to her. She was a good cook.
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