What’s going on? January 2-January 8

A weekly preview of Butte County arts, music and fun

A photo of the band Ivy Flats. (Photo from Ivy Flats social media.)

What’s happening this week? Chico News & Review has you covered with highlights of what’s on tap at local clubs, theaters, galleries and performance venues. Visit the CN&R’s FREE online calendar for all of the listings in Butte County.

A photo of the band Ivy Flats. (Photo from Ivy Flats social media.)

Ivy Flats TGIF Show

Jan. 3, 5:30pm
Chico Elks Lodge
1705 Manzanita Ave.

Start the year off on a musical note with this local, fun, cover band. Wear your dancing shoes as they are known for their motto “Good Times and Great Music.” With guitars, drums and vocals, their sound covers genres such as classic rock, country, contemporary hits and oldies. This will be the first TGIF show of the year hosted at Elks Lodge. Show is free, but you must be an Elk member or an invited guest of an Elk member.

Reese Weil Live

Jan. 3, 7:00pm
The Commons
2412 Park Ave.

Keep the musical rhythm going with a night filled with energy and soulful tunes. Chicoan Reese Weil is a musician, singer-songwriter and producer. This performance will feature his latest singles, including the upcoming “Perfect View.” Entry is free, with food and drinks available for purchase.

Fleet Feet Winter Couch to 5k Training Program Informational Meeting

Jan. 4, 7:30am
Fleet Feet
241 Main St.

If you’re looking for a new fitness goal this year, this program might just be for you. No Boundaries, also known as “NoBo’s”, is a popular beginner’s training program that thousands of runners have completed. The training schedule assigns you dedicated coaches over a nine week period to help you complete a 5k. Meet the coach at this early-morning kick-off meeting, learn more about NoBo’s, then join in a fun walk. Check the CN&R calendar for more information.

The Miami Rogue Roosters

Jan. 4, 3:00pm
Mulberry Station Brewery
175 E. 20th St.

Cock-a-doodle-doo! Watch out for these roosters, they keep crowing from afternoon into the evening with some nice tunes. This small, funky jazz band has been around since 1999 playing music with string instruments, percussion and horns. Enjoy this show performed every first Saturday of the month at Mulberry Station. Event is free.

Live Music: Rigged

Jan. 5, 3:00pm
Secret Trail Brewing Company
132 Meyers St. Suite 120.

The Rigged Band takes music genres and mixes them in one blender to create a genre-bending experience. Their sound blends together R&B, rock and a groovy soul all from one group. This free music show is for all ages.

Visit the CN&R’s FREE online calendar to view local listings, or to submit an event of your own!

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